old hands

美 [oʊld hændz]英 [əʊld hændz]
  • n.老手;经验丰富的人;在行的人
  • old hand的复数
old handsold hands

old hands


  • 1
    N-COUNT 老手;经验丰富的人
    If someone is an old hand at something, they are very skilled at it because they have been doing it for a long time.

    An old hand at photography, Tim has been shooting wildlife as a hobby for the last 13 years.


  1. We need some " old hands " skilled at their jobs .


  2. Old hands are also jockeying branding the new president as a socialist .


  3. The old hands know just how dangerous it can be .


  4. Many of them cried , and with dried old hands wiped away their tears .


  5. Old hands do not shake or cramp when the letter is written on the air .


  6. As old hands will be well aware , it 's not a new C standard without an entirely new meaning for the static keyword .


  7. Like Belgium , it is a relatively young nation , yet on the field of play the Uruguayans are old hands .


  8. One can argue with aspects of this and old hands do , observing that it carries gossipy articles to boost traffic .


  9. Roberta buttoned a button that had eluded the manipulation of the old hands .


  10. Old hands need to look with new eyes , for this week 's debacle constitutes the biggest threat yet to the post-war trading system .


  11. After packing his things with his practised old hands , the traveller buttoned up his sheepskin .


  12. I learned a lot from the old hands but also saw them make typical newbie mistakes ( like holding on to a loser ) for far too long .


  13. But this shift away from traditional diplomacy to commercial activism has irritated old hands in the Foreign Office , who say valuable political intelligence is being missed .


  14. Prentice Welch and Erika Lam , both 24 , are old hands at using technology to keep in touch while they are apart .


  15. Old hands recall that during policy discussions at the FOMC Mr Greenspan used to tell the committee what he thought the Fed should do , before asking for comments from others .


  16. Four years later , Google seems to have concluded that they were wrong and the old hands were right : in the short term , and within China , the party is more powerful than the Internet .


  17. Mr Zuma has his work cut out to ensure that at the close of the first African Olympics , old hands are not dredging up doleful anecdotes from the chilly and cacophonous parties of last night .


  18. Then all the old hands remembered that a certain dry mead , into which a few of the cows had been admitted of late , had , in years gone by , spoilt the butter in the same way .


  19. They are called old China hands .


  20. The sorry tale will sound remarkably familiar to old China hands .


  21. Old political hands at Westminster talk about a natural reaction to hard economic times and to a peculiarly lacklustre generation of political leaders .


  22. He was in the highest spirits after you left ; kept laughing to himself and rubbing his old wrinkled hands together .


  23. A watch strap holds a watch on your wrist . The old factory hands treat the tenderfoots like their slaves .


  24. Old China hands will tell you that Chungking Mansions has lost much of its edgy charm since its lifts were refitted five years ago , a nostalgia that seems more like a death wish when you see what the current elevators have to cope with .


  25. The two old friends shook hands with each other cordially as they met .


  26. Prince William , 9 years old , shakes hands in an enthusiastic crowd of Canadian women .


  27. The old man 's hands trembled , his eyesight was blurred , and his step faltered .


  28. The old man 's hands shook constantly , and he explained to my father how his shaking had begun two years before , and how he had been forced to give up his teaching because of this .


  29. She is old . Her hands are now too enfeebled to even needlework or cooking . When she walks , she has to over along with a groping hand on the wall for support .


  30. He answered gently : " I understand . But just at first don 't let go of your old friends ' hands : I mean the older women , your Granny Mingott , Mrs. Welland , Mrs. van der Luyden . They like and admire you -- they want to help you . "
